The Pantone FHI Color Specifier Replacement Page 2.014 includes the following seven textile colors: Cerulean (15-4020 TPG), Blissful Blue (16-4121 TPG), Allure (16-4021 TPG), Cyaneus (18-4035 TPG), Moonlight Blue (18-4027 TPG), Blue Horizon (18-3929 TPG), Ensign Blue (19-4026 TPG).
IMPORTANT: These pages are numbered for Pantone Fashion, Home Interiors Color Specifier books published in 2024. Page numbers and contents will not match those of older books. If you have an older FHI Color Specifier book from before 2024, please call Columbia Omni Studio customer service to determine the corresponding page for the color you wish to replenish.
For each of these colors, there are six individual removable chips measuring 1.6 inches x 0.8 inches and are made of lacquer stripe coating on paper.
Designers use chips to conceptualize, specify, evaluate, and communicate Pantone FHI colors for design projects with clients, colleagues, vendors, and manufacturers.
*The image displayed is for illustration purposes only and may not be the actual page colors.